Events At Douvris
The DOUVRIS Calendar of Events is below – belt testing, tournaments, fundraisers, parties, and more.
Class Schedules please choose your school location:
Upcoming Events
Buddy Day Passes
Grading Day
Bank Street Location: Mark your calendar for grading day on Saturday, January 18th! Tykes' session kicks off at 10:00 am, followed by kids and adults at 10:45 am. Please note that there is no karate classes that day.
Pajama Party/Game Night
Bank Street Location: Join us on January 18, for a fun time of playing games and having hot chocolate! Ages 4+. Wear your favourite PJ's, & bring a stuffy! 3-5pm. $15 per child. Register at the front desk.
Leadership Clinic
The next Leadership clinic is also on Saturday, January 18th, at 12:00pm at our Bank Street location.