Karate back to school special Ottawa

Boost Grades & Confidence

Our karate program builds confidence and personal discipline in kids, improves their school grades, and demonstrates the benefits of working out.

Our Karate Programs offer a whole range of life skills:

  • Improved fitness and coordination

  • Leadership and teamwork

  • Self-confidence

  • Better grades

  • A mindfulness practice

  • Courtesy and respect

  • Personal focus and concentration

  • Self-defense skills

  • Improved attention span

Get started today with 2 introductory karate classes + a free uniform for only $19.95. 

Build a well-rounded child. Contact DOUVRIS by filling out the form below or by calling us at 613-234-5000 to sign up or learn more about our back-to-school promotion!

This offer expires in

This offer expires on October 15, 2024, and is available at all 10 Ottawa region locations.

It's after hours and our phones are turned off for the evening. You can call and leave us a voicemail at 613-234-5000 and we'll call you back or to take advantage of this great offer, fill out our online web form!

Makes This School Year A Success!

Our karate program builds confidence and personal discipline in kids, improves their school grades, and demonstrates the benefits of working out. Get started today with 2 introductory karate classes + a uniform for only $19.95.

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