Can you Kick Like A Girl?
Did you know that March is Women’s History month? In celebrating Women’s History Month, we are celebrating all of the great women in history and in our karate family. Head over to our Facebook page and join in on our Kick Like A Girl Video Contest. Throughout the month we will be showcasing some of Douvris’s Best Karate Girls. You don’t want to miss it.
We started this campaign in hope that we can help put an end to people saying things like “you punch like a girl” or “you kick like a girl”. People say these statements to make someone feel that they are weak. When people say these things, what they may not realize is that they’re also putting down all women, and that is not okay. We have girls in our club that kick harder, faster, and stronger than the men at the club. You wouldn’t dare tell some of these girls that they”kick like a girl” with the notion of putting them down.
We are also putting on our Trial Offer for all ladies or anyone who wishes to learn how to “kick like a girl”. We’ll show you how it’s done. Promise.